Android is a Linux based operating system developed by Google mainly for smart phones and tablets. Due to the powerful features of Android, it is now used for developing apps in television, digital cameras and other electronic devices. Android is the most popular mobile app development platform used by more than 71% of the smart phone app developers.
Android is used in more than 1 billion mobile devices. Due to the immense reach of Android, there is a high demand for Android Programmers. Android Training in Vellore at Redback will provide an in-depth knowledge on Android App development using JAVA.Android mobile development platform offer complete software for mobile devices that includes operating system, key mobile applications and middle-ware. This platform is used for developing core applications, utility applications and third-party software.
Android platform offers access to wide range of resources, libraries and tools that can be incorporated to create rich applications for mobile platforms. Android is an open source platform, it can be can easily integrated with new cutting edge technologies as they emerge. This platform continues to progress as the developers work together to creative innovative and rich mobile applications. Thus, it increases the career prospects of skilled mobile developers across the world.
In recent years, mobile application development industry has gained massive growth as the world is moving towards android smartphones. Taking Android Training Chennai from experts will help you to flourish in challenging mobile development industry.
If you are a student looking for a lucrative career in IT industry or someone who wants to start your own Android Development company, Contact us..